William's offer | part 2

Zoravec did not move or flinched any bit upon hearing those words. He knew what William was doing, and that was why he could not afford to make his expressions surfaced over his face. However, Hecate was taken aback by William's claim, acknowledging that it was true and she could not deny it.

None of them spoke anything, neither accepted nor denied the fact. The irresponsive kind of response amused William as he expected something similar from them. He was sure that no one of them would tell him the truth or anything related to that call.

"The cops did not return to the headquarters after visiting your place."

He was persistent on extorting the truth from them, but upon none of them was willing to tell him the truth William had no other choice but to use other techniques. He wanted to know that the cops had arrived at his house and then they all went missing.