Going back home

Zoravec Knew he had to watch out for his words so he would not make a mess. Thus, he was determined to ventilate his thoughts but at the same time he kept the actual motive low key. However, the jury understood what he meant and was implying to ask, Zoravec's sly yet wise way of inquiring impressed them all.

The middle one who had been constantly speaking smiled and raised his one hand. He deliberately clapped once and nearly 10 people appeared with some trays in their hands. Each of them had multiple small blue marbles, as the elder vampire gestured the men walked towards the applicants. 

"Every applicant can pick one marble and place it on your palm, it will start to glow and burn into a flicker before it gets absorbed."

The vampire instructed everyone and gestured to the attendees to move forward. Those 10 men walked and catered a bunch of groups, the applicants picked up the marbles and they melted into the palms.

"Did he just completely ignore your question?"