Lord of destruction

Zoravec's heart raced as he sprinted towards the bus station, his backpack bouncing heavily against his back with each step. He had always been curious about his element, but now that he couldn't miss the chance to know it from the elven healer. He had been waiting for this opportunity for months, Zoravec could not simply want to let go of the healer who probably was the only one aware of his element.

As he arrived at the station, he saw the bus pulling away, its exhaust fumes filling the air. Zoravec cursed under his breath and scanned the area for alternatives. "Fuck! I have to hurry up before they go back." His worry kept on growing like agitation, when he reached he saw an elven healer walking towards him. The elven healers was known for their ability to sense and amplify the powers of the students who attended the Institute. Zoravec approached him with a smile, his heart still pounding from his run.