Her Arrival

When she arrived in New Yastrid, she called Chela on her way out the airport and as expected, she picked it up immediately after a couple of rings. Informing her sister of her safe arrival is the least she can do after all the worry and stress she made her go through.

"Good morning," she greeted

[Hmm, you're already there?] Chela asked

"Yeah, I just arrived." She replied

[What time is it there?] Chela asked and she chuckled

"Don't try your luck, I'm not telling you." She said and walked outside the airport

She hailed a cab and put the call on hold as she requested the driver to bring her to the closest hotel to the JLNC base. She pressed the hold again and heard Chela speaking.

[Hey, are you staying at a hotel? I'm asking you, what hotel is it?] Chela's persistence entertained her as the driver place her luggage in the compartment

"Stop testing your luck, I'm not saying anything." She chuckled

[I'll still find it out, I'm managing your cards, remember?] She shook her head after hearing what Chela had stated from the other line

"You're not so sure about that," she replied

[Oh well, that's true. I'll just trust that you're safe wherever you've decided to wander off this time, I guess.] Chela surrendered and stopped pushing the topic

She knew that when it comes to stubbornness, Chela and her are at the same level only that Chela knew she won't win against her without an ace to have her fold in hand.

"Hmm, I'll be home soon, Chela, tell father that." She hanged up afterwards

She is aware that their father is worried of her the most as she is currently the youngest of his children. She knows that he's only thinking of her well-being, Chela and hers to be precise as their older brother is already married. Chela enjoys her freedom of being single as of now and to keep her in line, their father asked her to watch over her, to take over her older brother's task while her, she enjoys indulging in thing that give her thrill and satisfies her.

She looked out into the window, it's only two in the morning that's why she'll wait for the morning to come before she goes to the JLNC base. When the driver stopped by the hotel, she paid using her phone, she scanned the QR code to pay then she went out of the car.

After getting her luggage, she walked inside the hotel and booked a room, she used her credit card, the one her father gave her. She used it on purpose to tell her father her location, as she knows that he respects her freedom no matter how worried he is, he won't send his men to fetch her unless it's needed for her well-being. That's what she loves about their father, he is caring and thoughtful, he is strict but does not violate their freedom.

She went inside the elevator after getting her keycard, she is not invulnerable to jetlag which is why she feels really tired after traveling and crossing time zones a couple of times. When she reached her room, she let her stuff fall on the floor then she took her towel and face cleanser from her duffel bag then went to the bathroom. After cleaning her face, she went to bed and fell asleep.

THAT MORNING, it's already eight am when she got up of bed. She went to the bathroom and took a bath, she wore a pair of denim jeans then a simple pink shirt before brushing her teeth. She combed her hair while texting Bright, the one who recruited her, informing him that she's in New Yastrid and she's on her way to the base.

Afterwards, she fixed her things and wore the red leather coat before going out of the hotel room. She went to the receptionist and checked out. She went to the nearest convenience store and bought a bottle of water, she drank the water until it's half-finished then she placed it inside her duffel bag. She hailed a cab, she gave the JLNC base's address to the cab driver.

Along the way, she's scrolling through her contacts. She still have the number of her relatives and acquaintances, it's just that they don't have her current number. When they reached the gate, she showed her phone to the guard and he opened the gate for the cab to enter.

When they arrived in front of the JLNC base, she paid the fare then she walked up to the door. She frowned and looked at her sneakers, regretting not wearing her stilettos as she noticed that her height's being insulted. She's not the tallest in their family, it's their oldest brother who's 6'1" then Chela who's 5'10", she's the smallest, having a height of 5 flat, comparable to a teenager.

She pressed the doorbell and Bright opened the door for her along with a man who's not familiar with her. She smiled and waved her hand at them.

"Are you lost?" the man with Bright asked her and she raised her hand signaling wait then she took out her phone

"I'm Kashmiri." She introduced while showing her phone with their conversation and Bright's eyes widened in realization

"Oh, you're here, come in." Bright opened the door for her

"I'm Bright, I'm the one who contacted you." Bright introduced himself

"This is Dewy, he's the manager of the team." He motioned the man who smiled at her

"Keychantel Desmond, Kashmiri," she replied and shook their hands

"Let me help you with that." Dewy said and took the handle of her luggage

"Thank you," she smiled and held her duffel bag handle

"I can carry this," she smiled and shook her head when Bright offered to carry her bag

"This is the JLNC base, this is where you'll be living along with the rest of the team. Don't worry, you have your own rooms." Dewy said as they walk inside the place

"So, the other JLNC members are also here?" She asked while looking around

"Yes, do you want to meet them?" Bright asked

"Yes, I want to challenge them in solo." Her smile was bright and her eyes was glittering in excitement

"All of them?" Dewy asked her amusingly and she nodded

"Why not?" she asked them and they shook their heads

"Please, wait here, we'll just call the others." Bright said when they reached what seems to be the receiving area of the base

She smiled and sat, looking from afar, she looks like a teenager because of her sweet appearance and height. She looks around, she didn't stand up but just moves her head, like an obedient child and this is the scene that the man who had just entered saw.

"Fans are not allowed here, you should leave." He chased her away grumpily making her sweet smile fade and turn into a frown

"If I were a fan, I'd be so turned off." She said and turned to the man only to still when she saw who it is

Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes widened, when their eyes met, his eyes look bored while hers is laced with shock and disbelief, she pursed her lips while staring at the man towering before her.

There's no way! Her mind screamed in disbelief while staring at the man in front of her.

"I'm not a fan," she said after recovering from the shock

"Leave," he ordered and sat on the couch across her