Chary of their Off-laner

"Although you said no engaging, I'm being ambushed!" Opal complained when Evocatrice and Fero suddenly attacked his Vis

He's been using Collido and Pestilens to fight back but Evocatrice kept on using servitoire to summon ogres and Cyclops, not to mention that Fero is receiving all his blows.

"I'm sorry for this disobedience, Captain." After Key apologized, blue waves coming from the bushes stunned Fero and Evocatrice

"Why didn't you tell us their off-laner was off the map?" Hugh asked his teammates

"We didn't know you'd attack Vis." Jibe replied with his eyes on the screen

{"Oomph! Looks like their plan backfired, Cyber Paw's Fero and Evocatrice attacked Vis to take him out as the first blood but they have forgotten about JLNC's off-laner, Foschia, roaming the map out of their view and ended up getting taken out by her instead."} Elvis Letterman said after a large red phrase appeared on the large screen

'FIRST BLOOD' it said and the first blood is Evocatrice.

Mixing her Foschia's Extasia and Quies, Key managed to take the first blood, while she assisted Opal's Vis in taking out Fero, by breaking into his high defense and dealing a lot of damage, Vis managed to overpower the tank shinigami.

Hugh and Figaro groaned after their Fero and Evocatrice were back to the re-spawn point in their base, meanwhile, Jibe, Domino, and Gamma began advancing in their respective lanes.

{"This is why you shouldn't engage unless you know your opponent's whereabouts."} Gino Morin commented amidst the loud cheers from the JLNC's fans

"Are you still alive, El, bro?" Opal kidded because El wasn't speaking since earlier

"What do you want me to say?" El asked with his eyes on the screen

"Defend your positions." Rasheed said as his Fiore clashed with the opponent's Maesta

Quant used his Luxy's Maceries to shield Fiore as Fiore continued to use combinations of Tremare and Rubavita against the opponent's Maesta's Conventus and Freccia, the opponent then used Clypeus's clostra to defend its teammate.

"Where is their off-laner?" Because of the sudden help that Vis received that led to JLNC making the first blood, Cyber Paw is now chary of the opponent's off-laner, Foschia

"She's dealing with the manticore," Figaro couldn't help but cuss when he realized that the manticore is within his jungle and claiming it will increase the opponent's gold if claimed

Hence, he left Fero, who now has a higher damage tolerance of +40% after leveling up to level 4 by developing to fend for himself against the opposing top-laner, Vis.

"Hey, Opal, the summoner's here. You can contain their tank now." Key grinned while speaking in a playful tone and Opal smiled, and the rest of the JLNC team couldn't help but shake their heads because it seems Cyber Paw's off-laner had fallen into their off-laner's trap

"Game on!" Opal said and began using Vis to battle the lethal offense-less tank

"Hey, bro, I need some help here!" Hugh called out while using Fero's antecho to defend his Fero but the JLNC's Vis has pushed him out of his tower's defense circle into theirs, which made him receive damage from both Vis's attacks and the tower

"I have to stop their off-laner from taking out the manticore." Figaro replied because if the opponent claims his jungle's manticore, he'll have to secure the opponent's kitsune as well to fill in the gold gap

Key's Foschia used her Quies and minor attacks to deal damage to the manticore and when the opponent's Evocatrice finally arrived, she used extasia to stun it.

"Dang it! Stunned again," Figaro exclaimed when his attack and skill buttons turned gray

Key used the 15s stun time to deal damage on Evocatrice with Foschia's second skill, quies, and ultimate skill, seachmall, killing Evocatrice as soon as the stun time ended.

Figaro couldn't help but groan in frustration because of how easily the opponent's off-laner took him out.

Key proceeded to kill the manticore before deciding to cool down and regenerate in her own jungle, hiding in the bushes and ready to attack any opponent daring to take the kitsune.

"Where are you, Key?" Quant asked Key while they are in the middle of the fight with the opponent

"Regenerating, lost more than half of my blood." Key answered in a calm tone

"This tanks one hard nut." Opal groaned and El snickered

"It is a tank alright." Key chuckled at Opal's complaint after his Vis finished off Fero

"And, Key, I'll be taking out you kitsune, any farewell words?" Opal asked and Key chuckled

"Rest in peace, little fox," she said while going a bit lower from the jungle to the middle lane, and began taking out some minions to develop herself.

"You're around here." El said and Key chuckled

"And here I was planning on sticking to this assassin role," Key jested because of El's words

"Oh, fudge!" she exclaimed when the opponent's Ausu found her location and drained her of her blood

"Too talkative, kid," Rasheed said and the rest of the JLNC team chuckled

{"Look at the JLNC team, only Opal seems frustrated while the rest seem like they're really calm. Cyber Paw's forward, support, and mid-laner are the only ones who can pose such an image after their top-laner and off-laner lost twice to the same players."} Elvis Letterman commented

{"As you can see here, Kashmiri is back on track, heading to the mid lane, she is quite calculative if I may say seeing that she chose to go through the jungle and hide by the bushes where no opponent will be able to see her."} Gino Morin said

{"Is she heading to get even with Jibe's Ausu?"} he assumed seeing that Key's Foschia is going to the middle lane, where El's Blitz and Cyber Paw's Ausu are currently clashing

{"Yes, she is, she is now hitting Ausu from within the tower, what a risk!"} Elvis Letterman declared

{"Ausu seems to not expect her to come back after killing her and was taken by surprise."} Gino Morin said

Key's Foschia continued to his Ausu until his blood was drained to half and she began to hide by the bushes once again, confusing the viewers as she seem to be moving away from the mid-lane fight.

Foschia headed to the top lane and like earlier, she assisted Vis in taking out Evocatrice and Fero, before moving by the bushes again after taking out Evocatrice.

{"And now, she hid by the bushes in the Hydra's Lair, just what is she planning?"} Elvis Letterman spoke his confusion when Foschia then hid in the Hydra's Lair

"I'm here in the Hydra's Lair now, Captain." Key reported to her captain after settling in one of the bushes, that she's moving according to their captain's order after she attacked Ausu

"Keep watch of the Hydra's Lair," Rasheed replied to her and she nodded her head

"Develop yourselves," Rasheed ordered and they all muttered 'yes, captain'