Three against One

"Captain, I'll follow after I resurrect." Key said

"What happened?" El, whose Luccicare is already in the Hydra's Lair, asked

"Empirst, Scancell, and Dancent are in the kitsune's grounds." Key answered calmly while controlling her shinigami to avoid as much damage as she can while dealing damage with her first skill

"Claim the Hydra," they immediately understood what their captain meant by that

Kashmiri won't be receiving any back-ups.

Three players from Cyanide Wolves are attacking their off-laner, and those three are two mages and one fighting-type shinigami, their chances of claiming the Hydra without interference from the opponent are currently high.

{"Wow, JLNC found an opportunity to gain from their off-laner's demise."} Gino Morin said

{"They used the ganging up that Kashmiri is experiencing in their favor."} Gael Darrow was amazed

"You three, to the Hydra's Lair as soon as you're finished there," Veganca told the three players

"Captain, JLNC's already here." Atorlder, who was assigned to monitor the Hydra's Lair, reported

"Dancent, Scancell, fall back, head to the Hydra's Lair." Veganca said

"Finish her off, Empirst," Scancell said and they pulled back

"Captain, they're retreating," Key reported when she noticed the retreating stance of the two shinigami

"I'm going to keep them here." Key said and used her ultimate skill on Vis and Clypeus who are leaving

She targeted Clypeus but the portal also swallowed and dealt damage to Vis, who was within the attack radius of the portal, so both of them received damage and lost more than half of their blood.

"Fuck! Her ult deals a lot." Scancell cussed when he saw how much damage he receive

"I'll just get even with this woman." He added and his shinigami turned back

"Clypeus lost half of his blood, same with Vis, I'll be dealing damage against Chasseur now." Key said

"Go, finish one of them." Rasheed ordered

As Kashmiri struggled to deal damage and finish off at least one of her three attackers, Quant and Rasheed dealt damage against the Hydra while El and Opal deal with Veganca and Artorlder.

"Faster, you two," Veganca called the two out

"She drained more than half of our blood." Scancell replied

"She used her ultimate already?" Artorlder asked them

"Yes," Empirst said and they realized what that meant

The ultimate skill requires a 45-second cooldown, 15 seconds for the second skill, and 5 seconds for the first skill.

The only way to change or shorten the ultimate skill is to upgrade it with the upgrade orb they pick up along the map, but the chances of picking an upgrade orb are 0.0028% every fifteen seconds.

"Save your ultimate," Rasheed ordered

"Too late, Captain, I already used it." Kashmiri said

"You're not included." Rasheed retorted

"Wow, that hurts," Key chuckled and used her second skill against Clypeus and hid in the bushes

{"JLNC is dominating against the Hydra and the two Cyanide Wolves members in the Hydra's Lair."} Gael Darrow announced

{"We also have to give Kashmiri a round of applause for her great efforts in keeping Scancell, Empirst, and Dancent fighting her instead of heading to the Hydra's Lair."} Gino Morin said

{"Her gaming tactic is always running on a suicide rampage, it's like she doesn't care about her own blood as long as she deals damage."} Gael Darrow pointed out

{"Oh, you didn't know?"} Gino Morin asked and turned to him and Gael Darrow shook his head

{"Trivia to you, and our viewers as well, one of the nicknames that Kashmiri is renowned in the World Ranking is the 'Ferocious Rose'. She is referred to by that nickname in the game's official forum because of several reasons, one is because she's an aggressive player for a girl, and she is considered a rose with lots of thorns."}

{"And second, is due to her usual gameplay tactics that are no different from the ones she is currently displaying, they're always aggressive and rampant."} Gino Morin said and chuckled

She was just doing her best to keep the three shinigamis in her jungle when her eyes notice something on her screen.

Her low blood bar means she will die after one attack, and she received that attack from Vis.

"She's dead," Scancell announced and the three of them headed to the Hydra Lair

It became a four against five large-scale team fight, in addition to that, the Hydra is also attacking all the members in the Hydra's Lair.

Luccicare and Fortiz easily drained the remnants of Vis and Clypeus's blood when they arrived, Pylae's attacks weren't futile because she managed to lower their health before her execution.

After Pylae's resurrection, Key's shinigami headed to the Hydra's Lair and joined the battle.

After Luccicare and Fortiz's kills, the remaining Cyanide Wolves' members are Chasseur, Blitz, and Luxy, however, all three lost all of their blood just as their final attacks drained Fidens and Sournoise.

They claimed the Hydra and proceeded to destroy Cyanide Wolves' base tower, when they arrived at the front of the opponent's base, they destroyed the final outer base tower and hid in the bushes while waiting for their Captain and Quant's resurrection.

While waiting for the two to resurrect, they preyed on the newly resurrected shinigami that would go out of the base, Lucciccare, Fortiz, and Pylae returned the ganging up that Kashmiri's Pylae experienced in the kitsune's area.

"They're camping in the bushes." Scancell, who had fallen victim to JLNC's attack on avenging their off-laner, informed his teammates

"Stay inside after your resurrect," Veganca ordered

"Yes, Captain." They replied

{"And another large-scale team fight happened in Cyanide Wolves' base!"} Gael Darrow exclaimed

After Rasheed and Quant resurrected, they headed to the opponent's base and when they arrived, the whole JLNC team clashed against the newly resurrected members of Cyanide Wolves, although their opponent is missing one member, Scancell's Vis.

The battle continued until JLNC overpowered the Cyanide Wolves in their own base. When a minion arrived to take the damage from the tower on their behalf, the member of the JLNC team destroyed the base tower and their opponent's screen turned gray.

{"Congratulations on winning the first match, JLNC!"} Their fans cheered for their victory in the first match while the two teams headed the backstage to rest

"Captain," Key called Rasheed on their way to the backstage

"Go ahead," Rasheed told the rest of the team

"I want to take Pylae again." Key said calmly and Rasheed turned around to meet her dull eyes

"In the next match, I want to take Pylae as your support." Key said

"Why?" Rasheed asked her

"Please," Key didn't answer the question but Rasheed nodded and turned around which relieved Key

They went inside the resting area, and Key sat down on a couch.

"Key, you received a message," Alexei said and handed her phone

All their phones are left under Dewy and Bright's care while they're playing on the stage, but usually, their phones are just laid out on the table where Rio and Alexei usually sit.

She opened a chat, a small smile appeared on her face when she saw a chat from another 'cousin', because it has been a long while since she lost contact with the said cousin, receiving a chat surprised her a lot but she didn't reply.