Deciding Game

{"As we can see in the map, both sides have headed to their respective lanes and like her usual gameplays, Kashmiri of JLNC has decided to stick with her teammate Opal and develop in the top lane."} Gino Morin narrated the current flow of events at the start of the match

The players began roaming the map as soon as they spawned on the map and headed to their respective lanes to develop their chosen shinigami.

The game started with its usual scenario where players prey on the opponent's minions to level up and develop their skills, they were all playing with ease.

Every player is determined to develop and get stronger.

"What the heck… No way…" Key said in disbelief when the opponent's top-laner ambushed her as soon as she and Opal had leveled up

"You guys mad at me or something…" she muttered again before serving several hits to defend her shinigami and going back inside the tower to replenish her blood

{"As we can see in the current turn of events, Fire Shots's top-laner and off-laner had teamed up to contain Luxy in the top lane, but if not for Opal's Vis dealing damage on the two opponents containing Luxy, she would have been the first blood in this round."} Gino Morin said

{"Evocatrice and Chasseur are developing well in the bottom lane along with the opposing bottom lane residents; Blitz and Sournoise. While Kashmiri is contained in the top lane, El's Ausu is dominating and pushing back Fidens in the middle lane."} Gino Morin narrated

"Gosh, are they thinking of making me the weak link? Oh, no, bro, we're not having any Neon Flare recreation here, thank you very much." Key asked in complete disbelief then shook her head

"Oh, fudge!" Key exclaimed when her screen turned grey and the red smoke flared up along with the flashing of the words; 'FIRST BLOOD' on their opponent's screen

{"And there you have it, Fire Shots succeeded in making Kashmiri the first blood."} Gino Morin announced while Elvis Letterman just chuckled

{"You know, Gino, I am starting to think that Kashmiri can be both the strongest player and also a walking target on the map."} Elvis Letterman said

{"Oh, you better not check the Industry's Farm later because you might find that statement of yours going viral."} Gino Morin chuckled

"Develop, Kashmiri," Rasheed said making her groan in annoyance

'Gee, thanks, Captain,' Key sarcastically said in her mind and she couldn't help but throw him a glare before focusing back on the game

The match continued and when Kashmiri went to the Kitsune's Forest, the opponent's off-laner ambushed her once again.

She felt annoyed but she just set her mind not to have the opponent succeed in making her the weak link.

For her, once is enough, getting contained and experiencing the same turnout again means she's not fit for this place.

"You still good, Key?" Opal asked when their death count rose by one

"Sure," she said sighing as she waited for her shinigami to resurrect

She tried to develop but every time she tries to move past her tower's protective circle, the opposing off-laner's Luccicare would attack her and drain her blood so she had no choice but to stay within her tower's defense circle.

Although the opponent's move is hitting a nerve, she can keep her irritation at bay, unlike when she was first contained.

The situation had once happened therefore, she now knows what she should and what she shouldn't do.

She had already gone over the scenario of their match against Neon Flare repeatedly and had formed what to do in dealing with a scenario similar to it.

"I'll just help with the Hydra later," Key told them

"Captain, what level are you in?" Key then asked

"Seven, why?" Rasheed replied while developing his Chasseur

"Can we claim the Hydra now?" Key asked

"Huh? What are you thinking, Key?" Opal asked when Key removed her hand from her mouse and started cracking the bones in her hand

"I think we should claim the Hydra while they're lacking two shinigami members." Key said

"Develop yourselves then head to the Hydra's Lair after level seven," Rasheed commanded

"Kashmiri, don't use your maceries yet," Rasheed said

"That'll serve as a signal," he added

"Yes, Captain," they replied

In the bottom lane, Rasheed's Chasseur and Quant's Evocatrice made use of Evocatrice's summoning skill to their advantage; the creatures that Evocatrice summoned doubled the damage that Evocatrice and Chasseur are dealing against Blitz and Sournoise.

After destroying the defense tower in the bottom lane, Evocatrice and Chasseur headed to the Hydra's Lair and hid in the bushes to wait for their opponents.

Just as Ausu and Vis arrived at the Hydra's Lair, the opponent's Coraje, Blitz, and Fidens arrived at the Hydra's Lair.

A large-scale team fight occurred in the Hydra's Lair as the members of JLNC and members of Fire Shots clashed to claim and dominate the Hydra.

"Now," Rasheed said

"Yes, Captain," Key said and used Luxy's maceries

Just as her shield appeared, she used a combo of her skills to attack the opponent's Luccicare then pushed him into their defense tower to double the damage she dealt.

{"Here comes Kashmiri's retaliation!"} Gino Morin announced

{"It seems that JLNC's Kashmiri had developed a retaliation plan after she was repeatedly contained."} Elvis Letterman said and Gino Morin chuckled

{"Well, if I were her, I'd do the same, Elvis."} Gino Morin agreed

She managed to drain Luccicare before he could deal more than half of her blood's worth of damage on her shinigami.

She then headed to the Hydra's Lair and hid in the bushes, landing surprise attacks on enemies who are trying to widen the battleground.

She did what she could to help her team, although her presence didn't seem to contribute much, she did her best.

{"And Kashmiri claimed the Hydra for JLNC!"}

The whole arena cheered, it was very unexpected. The contained shinigami delivered the claiming blow on the Hydra and successfully claimed it for JLNC.

The match continued with the surviving members of Fire Shots; Sournoise and the newly resurrected shinigami Luccicare, camping at the Manticore's Den.

They assumed that Kashmiri's Luxy will head there after the victory but Luxy and Ausu headed to the Kitsune's Forest to deal with the Kitsune while Chasseur and Evocatrice headed to the Manticore's Den.

It was a stunning and out-of-the-blue development, everyone assumed that Vis, Chasseur, and Evocatrice are heading for the opponent's base but instead they went out of their way and head up to Fire Shots' jungle and dealt with the Manticore.

Rasheed's Chasseur is, once again, the shinigami with the highest level on the map therefore their arrival stunned the two opponents who were aiming to contain the lowest leveled shinigami on the map; Luxy.

The tables have turned and they were drained, however, it did not mean that JLNC had aced Fire Shots, as Coraje resurrected back into the map just before Luccicare's blood was drained.

{"It seems that JLNC is no longer putting the duty of finishing off the other monsters in their off-laner's hand, or was it because they knew that Kashmiri will be cornered again that's why they head there instead?"} Elvis Letterman said

{"But either way, Elvis, this move has made them take the lead and put a large gap between them and Fire Shots."} Gino Morin said and Elvis Letterman nodded

They soon took the fight to Fire Shots' main base where they clashed against Fidens, Blitz, and Coraje. Ausu, Chasseur, Vis, and Evocatrice clashed against the three of them, while Luxy dealt with the outer base tower.

She wanted to join the fight as well, but she'll just be a liability, something that Key wouldn't like to be. After she finished the outer base tower, she headed to the remaining base defense tower, while Blitz, Ausu, and Evocatrice dealt with the Base Tower.

Their victory in the clash between them and the three members of Fire Shots wasn't achieved without a loss, and that loss is Coraje.

After defeating the opposing top-laner, Opal's Coraje received all the damages for Blitz, Ausu, and Evocatrice, whoever is closest to him, as this was a battle between mages and shooters, and a fighter-type shinigami like him won't do much damage.

'DEFEAT' flashed on the screen on one side of the gaming stage just as the seven-lettered gold-plated word graced the screens of the monitors on JLNC's side.

Their fans cheered while Fire Shots' fans lamented their impending fate, their disbandment.

Disbandment is something inevitable in the e-sports world, but fans still feel very sad and disheartened at the thought that because Fire Shots lost two games, they are now eliminated from the National Prometheus League.