Elias Gobarau

Elias once looked into how the organization gets children to train, to his dismay, it turns out that they get them from women after they were paid with money to give birth. And the children will not even be held by the woman that gives birth to them, let alone gives them a name.

Now, based on Wand, he actually has a name and it was given by his Biological Parents. And the way the Wand put it, both father figure and mother figure were involved in naming him.

If that was the case then, he might have been a product of kidnapping while he was just a baby!

He began to fantasize about how his parents might be, and he couldn't stop himself from imagining them to be like the Elias Gabriel family. As they are the only family that he lived with while he was just fifteen. He beheld genuine love and care from them and wished he had the same.

It was that fantasy that ignited his mind and plot for three years on how to escape his life of being an agent. Being one of the remarkable geniuses among his peers, he was able to accomplish his goal. 

In terms of genius and talent he might not be the best, heck when all geniuses within the Secret Organization are assembled, he was regarded as a common mob. But with the power of determination and long distant planning, he was able to achieve that.

Before he turned twenty, he was able to fake his death perfectly, and hide for a full one year in a bunker of a ship. The bunker was just 3 × 3 meters. As for the food, he has stored enough that will last for years.

The bunker was actually like a cabinet that had compartments. One with a cooling system. One compartment was filled with food, one compartment was a toilet and then one compartment where he lived for 13 months, three weeks.

Thankfully he was connected to the internet and also downloaded tons of drama films and romance films. He also downloaded a lot of guides and maps of the world and many other things that will help him know the world better from a different perspective than what he was informed in the Secrets Organization.

As for drama films and romance, he watched them with the enjoyment of how normal people live their lives. There are some action films but he only watched those that give normal daily life without fighting whatsoever.

Why watch action films while he has lived a life of action himself!

Though, he learned a lot of things about normal people. They are no saints either, but rather among them there are wolves in sheepskin. But, he doesn't care about that. All he judged from that is that all that the people do was make sure they close their eyes in the night peacefully.

He did admit that life is a bit dull, but there are countless other things to make up for that. 

When the year passed the shipowner retired and brought him out of the bunker. It turns out he was able to rope the captain of the ship into his plan. 

And being in a confined space for more than twelve months is enough to cripple his mentality and his body. But, to his perception, his mentality has become strong and also perfect with renewed zeal and ambition of finding a peaceful life to live.

As for his body, he was overweight. He has put fat and meat everywhere and moving from one place to another is very taxing to him.

The thing is, he did move around while he was in the 3 × 3-meter compartments. But, is that enough to exercise the whole body fully? No.

Not only that, sometimes he was so engrossed as he downloaded and watched new films when the ship was within a range of town or city. So throughout our stay within the city's range where he has access to the internet, he will not do anything but just surf the internet and learn new things.

In the end, he became a heavyweight full of fats. In truth though that was part of the plan. As his body becomes overweight, his face will also change with fat meat. With that he alters his face from the normal, it's all part of disguise as no one can easily recognise him.

Elias Gobarau stared at his information without blinking and then he tried something new. He asked the Wand whether Elias Gobarau and Elias Gabriel are the same. 

The Wand's answer was, No. 

He also asked whether his parents both the father figure and mother figure, are the ones that gave him his name!

The Wand's answer was, Yes.

Then a series of explanations came.

[Name in Fog Islander's World is the most important factor of personal identity, it is more important than you will ever know. Through the whispers of the fog, the Wand Interface has learned that your name is Elias Gobarau as it was given by two loving Biological Parents at one point in time in your life]

He sighed with happiness, but then asked whether he can know whether his parents are alive?

The answer said, No enough information.

He asked whether his wife was brought with him?

The answer was the same, No enough information.

He asked whether he would ever go home and that gave him a different answer.

[Islander Elias Gobarau is an identity of a person that must contain five things, they are...]