Golden Fruits

"This world is dangerous in every bit of the way." Elias grumbled, "I got a Chest but I almost lost my hand and even my life from it."

"Then there is that Chest with a Cursed Flesh in it. There is still a remnant of rashes on my body due to it being out of the Chest!" He complained again.

"I successfully met something apparently normal, the Goat. Yet, it turns out to be a Mighty Beast far more dangerous than all the beasts I met." He whines about it.

"Not only that, it was smart like a human and had a disguise ability that lured beasts into attacking it. And in turn, killed them and made them become manure for it to raise grasses and fruit for itself!" 

"I got a tattoo from the Wand due to my bravery, but if the Ram, who is called King, sees it, then I'm dead. Imagine if I was so happy and I quickly brought out the tattoo, I would have become manure in seconds!" Elias cried out loud.

After musing about Elias looked at the fruit in his hand, knowing for sure there must be danger from it. He pointed to it with his Wand and asked for its information.

[Sacred Fruits raised by Belemi Ram, The King!]

[Edible Fruit with unknown effects]

"Will I die"

[Probably not!]

"This is not a good answer! Probably my ass!" He yelled.

He placed the fruit on the Island, hoping the Island would write something but the Island did not. He waited a couple of minutes, yet there was no warning from the sand.

He picked the fruit and licked it with his mouth. At that very moment, the orange looking fruit melted on his tongue. The sweetness was so good that his mind just went haywire as if he was drugged.

He quickly put the whole fruit in his mouth with the intent to chew, yet it melted like a jelly. 

The jelly fruit swallowed itself into his stomach, then everything came back to normal.

All this time, the Ram was looking at him with an angry look. But later, the Ram just snorted and ignored him!

The remaining four fruits continue to ripen faster until they stop ripening. The Ram walked and ate one of them. Then the three remaining Fruits ripened further. The Ram again ate one. Now the two of the fruits have a shade of gold.

The Ram ate one of them and sat down looking at the last one. 

Elias watched the last one becoming complete gold and emitting a sacred light and tantalizing aroma. The other two trees and grasses began germinating faster and better than before!

Elias closed his eyes and shook his head, his brain cells can't make sense of all this fantastical phenomenon!

When he opened his eyes, Elias realized it was just the beginning!

The fog that was ten meters away was pushed away to hundred meters. Even the sand and water of the Island become fresh and almost sacred!

Elias's wounds heal at a faster rate and he feels rejuvenated. Just basking under the influence of that fruit has made him recover from rashes and other wounds that he didn't know he has!

He looked at the Ram and the Ram looked at him. One thing he discerned was if he dared to move a millimetre he would surely die.

But, Elias was thinking of something else. That was the constant warning of "Beware of the Golden Spoon" 

And now seeing the Golden Fruit he was sure that the Wand might mean the Golden Fruits or anything of Gold. 

Taking that warning at face value, Elias has no desire for the fruit!

Another thing was, he realized that the reason the Ram did not kill him when he was taking the fruit was because the tree can only grow one Golden Fruit. If there are many fruits, they will not become complete Gold. For that, even the Ram itself has to eat away the other fruits to allow one to mature to Gold.

Elias was thinking about that situation when his body began burning off. He thought it was because of the Golden Fruit in front of him, but then he remembered that the Fruit he ate had a golden hue in it.

'Damn! I took a semi Golden Spoon!'

The more time passed the more his body burning increased. Then, he felt an unusual hunger that was threatening to devour him. 

Elias heard a cough that sounded like laughter.

He looked at the Ram and saw it was looking at him and laughing. Elias ignored the mocking laugh of the Ram and tried to hold on but the hunger was too great.

Elias did not know when he jumped down and began eating the overgrown Abinci grass around him. The more he eats, the more other grasses grow. It turns out they too have reached their limit, but if removed they will grow again!

Elias continued to eat nonstop and yet he felt the hunger remain. He becomes like a goat moving around grazing on the grasses, even where the Ram is. 

Elias has lost his mind while eating. While the Ram was enjoying the show.

King's food is not for Peasant!

His minuscule consciousness was dreading the idea that he might end up becoming an animal that consumes grasses. Just like Goat and Sheep. 

His desire to remain human, not anything else, increases!

Ram was laughing all the time as if saying, "Did you think it was easy to eat king's food without repercussions!"

Elias kept eating until he felt a different burning. If before, it was like he entered into a stove, now, it was his body cooking for the inside. His excess fat and meat were being cooked from the inside out!

Coupled with hunger and burning sensation he did not know what to do. Eat grasses to satiate his hunger or scream due to pain. Elias whimpered, cried and groaned all while he was eating the grass. If the grasses were not growing back he might have bald the grassland

Thirty-minute later everything stopped. Then an intense thirst. He jumped into the water pond and drank non-stop. For some mysterious reason, the pond did not dry too.

After drinking for some time, Elias was back to normal. He crawled his jiggling fat ass out of the pond while panting.

He glared at the Ram that was looking at him mockingly while he sat remembering what had happened. 

It was a fiasco if he was asked. 

One thing he acknowledged was that if he had eaten the subsequent fruits, he would die. 

As for eating the Golden Fruit, the outcome is beyond his mind!