Hand Over Your Chest...!

"Do you have food and water?" The man in black asked.

"Do you have Mind Soothing Potion?" Sam asked. He had got it in one of his Lucky Chest, that is why he asked about it as it had aided him in recovering his mind.

When Sam observed the man, he noticed only one Chest but after he observed the Island further, he realized there was a lot of protrusion on the Island. Which means things have been buried.

Sam laments at his stupidity, he should have buried his Chests. But who would have thought he would meet his first human here.

"Yes. I will give 1 Vial for a whole Chest of food!"

Their Island was about 50m away but when they spoke they could hear themselves with ease.

~Island Resonance.

Sam got to understand that it was a feature that all Islands that are at Grade 1 have.

"I can give you food worth weeks for the Vial!" Sam bargained.

"You can't merge with ten Islands in this place. Even if you take years trying. And...this place is the only place you will find cheap, useful Islands."

"How do you know that?"

"I know! Now if you want, I can give you a Mind Soothing Vial that can help you have enough Mental Fortitude and also help you resist the pain!"

"How will I know you are telling the truth?"

"Well, this Pyramid Island is the last Island I'm going to merge with!"

"That didn't explain it. And at times like this, food is better than anything. 30 days' worth of spoil proof food and you have a deal!"

The man glared at Sam and then he rejected him. Sam too moved away with his Island but his heart was beating. What if the man was telling the truth about the Vial.

After he hid behind a Mountain Island, he began to dig holes and put away his Chests inside. Leaving only a Chest that can mould all kinds of Tools needed. 

The Chest name was Utility Tool Chest. It had a heavy rod inside. And the owner can imagine any tool while the Chest is closed. If he imagined an axe, he would find an axe. And if he wants a shovel he will put the axe back and imagine a shovel and it will mould a shovel.

Leaving that behind and the Black Iron Chest that he can't move without strength amplification. He opened it with difficulty and he met with parts of something he can't understand.

[Assemble the Ghost Golem To trap the Old Man's Spirit that is feeding on your vitality]

"You gotta be kidding me!" Sam cursed. He has no idea that the Skeleton Old Man he killed was still with him.

Sam did not dwell on anything; he began to assemble it. He was so engrossed in it he didn't notice that three Islands were coming close to him.

One Island belonged to the man he met in black clothes and the other was in black but an Archer The last seems to have no one on top of it. As if it was just another Island for the taken.

"Hand over the Food Chest and that Chest you are handling!" A sound rang behind him.

Sam cursed and stood without looking back. "Alright, give me the vial and the Chest is yours!"

"This is robbery, not a bargain!"

"Maybe you will have to kill me. I can't…"

"You have food?" A girl's voice rang from somewhere. The trio looked at the speaker. 

She was a young girl in rag-leather clothes. With jet black hair, an oval face and fair skin. The black cycle under her eyes showed she had not slept for days. That was a symptom of merging Islands.

The girl looked at them as if they weren't going to kill each other as she was just interested in the food that was mentioned.

"Yes!" Sam said, eying the girl. Her Island was barren. No trees, stones, rocks or even grass. It was just plain common yellow sand. But, there was a single Chest of course.

Where was she hiding before, they all wondered but seeing her patting away the sand off her hair, they knew she was under the sand... and there was a straw she used to breathe air from on her hand!

"Young girl, hand over your Chest!" The black cloth man snarled 

"Please don't take my Treasure. I will go if you don't want me here. But... please, a piece of bread."

But seeing they were glaring at her, she began shifting her Island away but an arrow missed her face but not without grazing her skin and blood seeped!

She gulped down and stayed still while staring at the archer that shot her. The two cloth men observed her and confirmed she might be harmless and then the Archer moved his Island to her.

At that very moment, Sam moved to pick a rock but an arrow barely missed him. 

A rusty broken sword appeared in his hand and cut down the second arrow as he jumped to Archer's Island. But a Force-field was raised and Sam collided with it which sent him to his Island, at the same time, the other black cloth man jumped on Sam's Island and hacked at him.

Sam deflected the attack with fear and jumped backwards. Then a flurry of attack and defence begins between them.

While the girl was terrified, the archer entered her Island and walked to the Chest. He brought out a device and scanned the Chest, trying to ascertain what it was. Since it was not his Island and he has no permission, he can't see the Chest information with his Wand.

"Chest Of Infinity!" He rasped.

The man's skin crawled as fear gripped him. He raised his hands and saw the girl looking at him with a disappointed look.

"You people are professional! I was hoping you are going to touch it just like that!" 

The archer knocked arrows and shot them out in a flurry but the moment the arrow got close to her, they stopped midair.

"Do… dominance! Island Dominance!" He stammered.