Wure Liquid!?

That ascertained that as he forges the Island was shifting to support him. 

Nevertheless, the Island isn't like him who knew what he wanted; it can only put forward what seems to be useful to him at the moment! 

Especially on the matter that was new to it!

For example, the Island put forward Zinc Ore but after Elias used Iron Ore the most the Island gave Iron in abundance and Zinc was reduced.

But by making those compartments and storing the materials in them, Elias will make the Island perceived as if he was using everything at the same rate, or they are of equal value. Perhaps, the Island would put forward many new materials while also bringing out the old ones.

As for the Second Building, he will be forging on top of it, instead of directly on the ground level!

[Wure Wood]

[A special firewood with a Flammable Liquid called Wure at the centre]

"Wure Liquid"

[Wure liquid is Flammable and its uses are yet to be discovered]

"That was a way to tell me to uncover it on my own."

Elias had never checked the description using Wand until yesterday when he was resting and brainstorming. Maybe if had asked early he would have known what it was long ago, right? 

As the day went on, Elias melted Ores and poured them into the mould to make a Metal Bar. And after that, he used the Wand to reduce their impurities. Due to the work, and the fact the Bar wasn't a tool the cost wasn't as high as when he made the Saw and the scraper.

Getting 3 fist-size iron bars after smelting sizable Ores, Elias felt satisfied. His work will be easier and the cost of sharpening will be reduced. 

Turning around, evaluating what he had done and what he would do next, Elias' Omni-view fell on the rock he tested Wure Liquid on and he grabbed it, but by applying some pressure, it crumbled. 

An Idea lit on him and he packed the remaining Iron Ores in a bowl, then he cracked Wure Wood and poured the Wure Liquid on the Ores before setting them on fire.

He sat down and felt them burn through the heat while he turned off the Omni-view. It was tasking using it because with the slightest distraction the view would expand and encompass the Island.

After about an hour, the fire died. He picked them up after they cooled down and squeezed them with his palm, the burnt Ore broke with ease.

He then used rock to grind them to dust. And among the grains, he picked those that are hard, the size of small stones.

"What the hell!" 

He jumped on his feet and took fist-size Ores and filled them in a bowl, then he dragged the jar he was keeping Wure Liquid to pour but the liquid had dried off, leaving behind something thick like butter.

"I would look into you!" 

He dropped it and from the shelf, he brought Wure Woods, cracked them and poured their liquid on top of the Ores, making sure that each was well soaked with it.

And when he lit a fire, he poured more of the Wure Liquid and the Ore absorbed it. He sat away watching them burn as he ate grass like a goat.

About three hours later the fire died and smashed them with hard flat rock and they crumbled as if they were just condensed of Sand. Elias came across hard spots among the crumbled Ores. Taking them, they are Iron Metal.

"So, Wure Liquid can make anything that isn't Metal crumble? Impressive."

"Zinc, Iron, Aluminium, Copper and Nickel are the main Ore I have in abundance. Though, magnesium and manganese are just single Ores. Okay I will make ten compartments"

And then Elias' new projects began with the discovery that Wure helped remove impurities from Metal Ore.

On that day, he finished the compartments and at night he placed each Ore on a separate platform and soaked them with Wure until there was no more Wure Wood.

The next day 10 more Wure Wood appeared and he soaked the remaining Ore. After two days of soaking, he lit them on fire.

They burnt for the whole day. And just as the wind blew dust of impurities of the Ores were blown away, leaving behind glittering metals. Well, to Elias, they aren't.

Elias stood before the Metals, grabbed and felt them with a smile. They were in pieces of pebbles, small stones, and some were condensed into one.

It took time but the result was good.

He packed them into the Crucible and melted them!

"Hmm, the quantity of the metal has reduced a lot but it also means fewer impurities."

Elias made a Metal Bar of the different Zinc, Aluminium and the rest of the metals which he definitely doesn't need the Wand to improve.

Then, a problem arose. 

Now that he can obtain decent metal, its production will increase and the mould he was using isn't good enough. The fine Sand he was using for casting, was mixed with brown clay and they needed to be wet to work properly. 

Using his water isn't alluring at all!

Then his Omni-view zoomed on the Wure Wood and thought of that plan of his that took away his sight. Hopefully, it worked. 

Taking one, he cut it in half, then he used a Scrapper to shape it into a crude shape of a coin. 

He already had Zinc melting, so he poured it in and placed it on the Sand to cool down. In a short time, it did but it sticks to the wood.

"Guess it wouldn't work!"

Then he took the first type of Wood that appeared and did the same but the result was the same.

Still, the work will be faster and better than before. But without a new fast casting method, it will still be delayed.

Right then, Elias set a routine.

Pack Ores into their compartments, use the available Wure and soaked them and light them on fire.

Make a Bar mould and wait for the metal from the Crucible to melt. Keep making Bars until the wet clay is used off and then call the day off. 

That was what he did, and then he waited till the next day when another Wet Clay appeared.

But he soaked the Ores with remaining Wure for tomorrow's use!