Helen and kids

"Sim, when are you coming out! I will barge in with my eyes open!" Helen shouted, she was standing outside of the bathroom!

"Don't… I almost finished!" She took a peek and she saw the little devil wasn't dancing anymore and was now pouring water to wash away the soap.

She took a step back with a giggle as waited, sporting a poker face when the kid came out with his trouser covering his front but he had completely neglected the bumbum!

Helen resisted the urge to laugh at his act of grown-up. 

The five kids she chose to raise were now one and half years old but they appear to be 3 to 4 years old. The level of growth was fast both physically and mentally.

It was really hard raising them, as Helen almost regrets her choices. Almost!

But every time they are asleep she always misses them. They are smart, capable and full of energy. As if they were being injected with drugs!