Fatty Love!

The Bizzare Island was solid land like most Islands, well that was what Elias assumed, the true nature of the Island was the bubbling pink liquid-like spume. The reason for that was that, the moment it was in that state, Elias saw a Chest on it.

But in all the other forms the Island took, there was no Chest on it—and the strange thing was, the Island was moving to his Island directly.

Elias allowed himself to fall through the force field and landed on the sand and then tried to steer away from the coming strange Island, what was shocking to him was that he couldn't control the Island and it wasn't that he was not connected with it!

Then he understood something, by now the Growing Isle should have begun draining him of his energy and Mental Fortitude but it was not doing that!

He came to the edge of the Island and stood, waiting to see what might happen.
