Land the Currency!

Elias Island drifted back to the Main Line and moved forward, he saw a lot of Small Lines to the right but since he was looking for the left Line, he passed them.

Just over a minute, by the left, he reached the Small Line and then he entered it. True to that Broker's word, it was for metals.

This time Elias can see what was displayed even when he was not very close to the shopping Islands. Swords of different sizes and shapes, Body Armors, Shields, and other uncanny weapons. 

He didn't get deeper, Elias heard the clanging of metals. He rushed deeper and found rows of Blacksmiths on either of the Line, hammering metals. 

Elias stopped his Iron Island and observed them, reminiscing his time in the Fourth Trial. He started forging with no experience whatsoever and in the end, he believed himself to have become a Master.