Communication Island

Elias raised his hand to show his surrender. Seeing that the old and didn't assert a thing but then walked and turned to the girl, finding her breathing, he sighed in relief and put the rifle down

"Why didn't you kill her?" He asked.

"Why would I?" Elias asked back.

"She tried to kill you?"

"Ah, well, maybe you would have killed me!" Elias said as he eyed the mysterious old man.

"You will be a fool if you moved around uncaringly. Did you get the Boulder?" The old man asked as if nothing happened.

"Apparently, she said I'm not registered and to do that I have to get a communication Island!"

"The mission gave it in order of priority. Boulder, Building and then Communication. They are not random. Boulder will be used to build the house and the house will keep the communicator protected and so on. Do you get it!" The old man explains.

"Understood!" Elias nodded with realization.