Gauntlet Island

Elias stood with an apprehensive look. He never presumed that he would face an obstacle in any of the Missions given but he met with one, today!

To obtain Special Building Blueprint Islands, he needed a Gauntlet Seal, and to obtain Gauntlet Seal he had to find Gauntlet Island which was a particular Island that sent Islanders on various missions into a Game-like place.

Well, it may not be exactly like that, but Elias was now standing in front of a Cylindrical Building on an Island which was the Gauntlet Island. Behind him, was a queue of Islanders waiting for him to go through the Cylindrical Building to make his challenge.

All he had to do was insert his Wand in the place provided for it on the cylindrical smooth building then the Gauntlet Island would be shrouded in mist, and he would see a door opened for him to pass.

That was what he heard will happen and also what he saw happen to others.