You kidnapped an Old Man

A lone woman stood on a balcony and she observed her garden, her face was obscure in shadow as she wore a black veil up to down.

She shifted her head subtly to welcome the newcomer with a nod. The man stood a distance away and with a sigh he put a glass bottle that has floating sand on a table and said

"I couldn't do it. I shouldn't have been involved in this!" It was Old Man card.

She stared at the glass bottle before she hissed, "Take it as a gift?" 

He smiled but hesitated before he took and stored it away, he turned around but then he stopped as he heard her speak again.

"He has a White Sand that can heal. What is it exactly?" She hissed.

There was a subtle frown on his face as he turned around to look at her, "I didn't mean a thing!" She said as she stepped back.

"I don't know. You have been on his Island, you know better!" He said. 

She nodded and asked something she was curious about and wanted to confirm, "Did he have it?"