King's Candidate Eye

Elias was taken aback, what she said might be true but the haughtiness in her voice against someone who was giving her something of value for free is not a good attitude, especially by a young girl.

"You are right, but you didn't have manners while speaking with your superiors. Talk with respect!" He scolded. 

It was time for her to be taken aback because who is superior here? She, the Commander or he that was just older than her by one or two years.

"Just so you know, you are only one or two years older than me, that doesn't warrant me not to instruct you!"

And then a banter between the two began. Elias was enjoying it, seeing a young girl that had no mark of trauma in the world, it was a refreshing feeling. In the end, he asked. 

"Who is your Islander, call him. How come he didn't teach his Resident good manners while requesting something."