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"That's me!" He said. Then a staring contest began. 

A moment later she walked on his Island toward his Local Room, he followed her with his eyes wondering what she was up to. She stood at the entrance and stared at the sand below the window.

Then she walked to another part of the Island before she came and sat opposite him.

"You are dangerous!" She said. Elias's eyes furrowed and replied, "You too!"

Wherever she walked white sand appeared under her feet and when she sat, the sand where Elias was, a chain protruded, at its tip was a scythe—even the Chain Chest was responding to her.

"Haha! Did I scare you!" The young lady cheekily laughed and said, "I love your expression of wariness. That was satisfying!" 

Elias on the other hand was taken aback as he stared at the mesmerizing girl destroying her demeanour with a childish laugh.

"Sue..?" He called, not sure.