Auction Backlash!

[M]–[Local Cluster Chats]–[Items Stored]- [Items Transfer]. | 




[Unique Items are items that only you can produce and they now contained fakeproof branding]


2~Baptist Cabin

3~Baptist Coins

4~Halo Dispenser

5~Jade Sugar

6~Tea Cup




[Note: Unique items are listed according to their popularity in Red Bas]

Items Stored is unlike Gobarau Market Forum where everyone can enter and look at the items available, it's only for personal use.

Elias then tapped the last option.

[M]–[Local Cluster Chats]–[Items Stored]- [Items Transfer] 



[Set Transfer Cache Utility Forte?]


[One theuma Crystal is needed]

[Theuma Crystal Used]
