Burnai Mission

With a sharp knife, Elias quickly cut a large chunk and followed the blueprint at hand and made a helmet. He cut other chunks to make other parts of the armour. The last one was for the shoes.

What remained he cut them into squares.

An hour later, all of it solidified and became hard. That was when he took sandpaper and scrapper and began to carve and shaved them to his size and standard.

They were now like solid clay without a weight and even when hit it would not crack easily.

What came after was the outer armour that consumed more time to make due to the steel making. All in all, he spent 10 days perfecting the armour to his liking. The first third layer was a failure due to proportions of ingredients but after trials he succeeded.

Sixteen days to make the major equipment, and he spent another 10 days chatting with Burnai, making prepara8 for his two guns and exploring his section to see if there was a function he can use.