
Seth examined the green moss vassal. It was just thicker and greener moss. Elias then toppled the armour that was now rusting.

Behind was a place that was dented by bullet shards. "So, as long as a bullet shards attacks it, then the striker will find its mark?" Elias pondered.

He did tried to reload the shotgun but the compartment to put the bullet wasn't opening because the striker has already locked on the target and doing anything with the gun apart from releasing it, will disrupt the lock.

"This gun is sweet. But it has a glaring weakness. Three shards devastated an entire room full of normal wolves just because the moving armour was moving extremely fast which made the bullet fast and deadly. However, against a stationary target, the impact of the bullet's shards isn't that powerful!"

The target must be moving to bring out the full potential of the bullets. And the faster it was, the better.