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The scalding sand burnt the sweat off and he felt strong and free completely. The heavy lifting he was feeling went away.

[14 Cursed Tattoo healed]

The wound on his back completely stop bleeding and even show sign of closing.

"Perhaps I should ask Imlie to come. With this development it will be amusing that she can help me make this thing close faster!"

Coming out from the sand bath, he noticed the sand fish close to him. "You didn't tell me the sand will be useful." He grabbed the sand fish and caressed. That was when he noticed one of the scale glowing.

He moved the reptile close to him and stared at the scale and he saw something in it. There were some sort of drawings inside. He checked well, but it disappeared.

"Hmmm! Is that how you turn sand into sand fury?" Elias asked jokingly. The moment he put it down.