Crafting 2

The sand became powder and he fished out one of the metal pieces and checked. It was now thinner than paper, and he pressed it with his finger, and it dented a bit.

He flung it up in the sky and then pulled a Triple Impact pistol and pulled the trigger. The bullet rammed at the steel piece and rammed at a wall.

Elias went and fished it out. It shattered in a way as he had expected but only at the place of the bullet hit.

He brought many metal pieces to his forge, arranged them, and hammered them together. He then raised a wall and fixed it there and he pulled the trigger.

The layered steel bent and the wall behind cracked. When he checked, the bullet had drilled through the layered steel.

Elias nodded in satisfaction. He then packed everything and went to the forge. This was the initial preparation, the next was fabric making.