The next day, Max and Sue walked to school together as they spoke more about the new gang and how things changed in their once peaceful town. Their homes were not far from the school and it was an easier way to save money because their parents could only afford so much. As they got closer to the schoolyard, Max and Sue saw Miss Xin in a distance getting out of a black sedan. She handed over a metal briefcase with red trims that were glowing. Max and Sue hid so that they could hear whatever she was saying but not get caught.

" Take this to Pharaoh and make sure no one opens it. We do not know what's in it yet but do not open it, understood?"

"Understood." Miss Xin handed over the briefcase after locking it with a key that she put in her skirt's back pocket. She then walked to the schoolyard, acting as if nothing happened at all.

" See, I told you she was sketchy," Max said. "That lady's up to something sinister." The two teens continued walking to the school yard and since they still had fifteen minutes until classes began, they stood by the gate, waiting for CJ to arrive. After five minutes of awkward silence, another black sedan pulled up in front of their gate.

" Wassup man and woman. Waiting on your king again?" He asked playfully. Sue pulled him by the collar in her direction and said, " Do you know who Miss Xin is?"

" I'll tell you if you let go of my collar, Sue." Sue did as he asked before he continued. " Miss Sue, the hot geometry teacher in our class. The only teacher that every boy in this school looks forward to." CJ licked his lips and rubbed his hands as he looked at Miss Xin in a distance. Sue, who was angered by CJ's response, slapped him across his cheek.

" What the hell Sue? Watchu do that for?" He asked with his face stinging from the girl's slap. Max knew his friend better so he decided to explain who Miss Xin was. " CJ, Miss Xin isn't who she says she is. Yesterday I overheard her and one of the gang members talk about the incident that happened. Miss Xin knew the attack was going to happen. What I think is, she could be the actual leader of the FOUR ARMED GANG."

" No, you serious.? But she's fine, ain't no way is some hot lady going to lead a gang." CJ was in denial. The one time a hot teacher came to their school, she turns out to be a leader of some small-time gang no one heard of. " CJ, I think she was the one who coordinated the plan. Plus this morning Sue and I saw her with some dodgy briefcase. She said 'Take this to Pharaoh and make sure no one opens it.' She could be planning something evil in our classroom right now as we speak."

" Ah damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it. Why are the hot ones always the evil ones? Fine, whatever. But that doesn't mean I believe you guys yet. We'll just have to see how this plays out."

" Agreed." The three friends walked to their classroom and the first subject of the day was surprisingly Geometry. All the boys were paying extra attention to Miss Xin, not because they enjoyed geometry, but because of her beauty and her dressing style. She wore a tight scarlet red shirt that squeezed her in the right areas and a black skirt that showed her posterior well [if you know what I mean.] Most of the boys were head over heels for her while all of the girls wished they had her beauty so all the boys would drool over them like they did to Miss Xin.

CJ wrote a note to Max that read, *Why did she have to be so hot and yet so evil.* Max wrote back * The pretty ones are the bad ones.* After hours of studying, the school day finally came to an end. CJ left earlier because his home was further away while Sue and Max waited behind a corner for Miss Xin to get out. After two hours, just before the sun began to set, Miss Xin walked out of the schoolyard and headed towards the warehouse area of Raid town.

"C'mon, let's follow her." Max whispered.

" What? Are you crazy? She'll...." Max covered Sue's mouth hoping Miss Xin wouldn't hear them but unfortunately for them, she heard them and saw them. " Max, Sue please step out for a minute." She called out. They both gulped before stepping out from the corner.

" Hey, Miss Xin." They both nervously said. Miss Xin walked to them and asked, "Why were you two spying on me? Are you some kind of paparazzi?" She giggled.

" How could someone so evil act so nice." Max thought. " We were waiting outside so that we could give you a hug."

" A hug! Why?" She wrinkled her face.

" Because....because" Max stammered before Sue interrupted. " Because you are such a great teacher. Max was always terrible with his geometry but thanks to you, he finally understood."

" Ow you're welcome. Here, have a hug." Max took this as an opportunity and slipped his hand into her back pocket, stealing the key to the briefcase. Miss Xin then headed off to the warehouse district while Sue and Max pretended to head home. When she was out of their sight, they slowly followed all the way to the warehouse district. They kept a twenty feet distance between themselves and Miss Xin until she reached a large warehouse that had many men with tattoos standing outside. This was the idea Max had earlier. Max and Sue were going to sneak into the four-armed gang hideout and try to steal the box thing they saw Miss Lin hold earlier. They changed into completely black clothes and waited until it was dark. All the guards headed inside the warehouse and some commotion could be heard.

Max and Sue snuck in from the back to an empty room that looked like a janitor's closet. They could hear a lot of noise coming from the main warehouse hall so Max opened the door a little to see what exactly was happening. When he did, he saw a lot of men and women cheering as they watched a fight. In the middle of the warehouse building was a cage like the ones MMA fighters used. In the cage, there were two large mutants fighting, Pharaoh and some other guy who also had four arms but also had a tail and dragon-like wings. The men and women were separated into two groups, one side supporting Pharaoh and the other side supporting the other. Currently, Pharaoh's supporters were cheering loudly while the opponent's supporters were booing him.

" C'mon let go," Max whispered and the two teens crept past the people into the back of the warehouse. There was a door that stood between them but Max quickly picked the lock and managed to get in. Luckily, no one was in so the two quickly searched the room for the briefcase "I mean, do we really need that briefcase," Sue tried to reason. "We've already seen some things that could end up getting them arrested, Max. Let's...let's get out of here.

" Didn't you hear Miss Xin earlier today? Whatever is in that briefcase, must be of great value to them. I have to get my hands on it." He smiled eerily as he kept checking for it.

" But we don't even have the keys, how are we supposed to do that." Max pulled out the key from his pocket and grinned as he showed it to Sue. After a few seconds of searching, Max found the briefcase in a drawer. Its edges had glass tubes going around it and the tubes looked to be filled with a substance similar to lava and it was glowing. Max couldn't get his eyes off of it before Sue snapped him out of it. They got the briefcase and quickly snuck out of the warehouse.

" Oh my gosh. We did it. We pulled it off." Max said as he and Sue still kept running. Miss Xin and Pharaoh headed to the office room a few minutes after Max and Sue had left. She didn't see the briefcase and immediately she screamed angrily. Everyone in the warehouse heard her, including Pharaoh. "SOMEONE, HAS STOLEN...MY BRIEFCASE. AFTER THEM." All the gang members got in their cars and motorcycles and spread out across the whole town looking for the briefcase thief.

Max and Sue had luckily made it to the schoolyard. For extra safety purposes, they went to the building's rooftop. Once they got there, they saw many people on bikes and cars zooming through the streets aimlessly.

" Oh crap. I guess it's a good thing we left early." Sue laughed as she held her chest. The adrenaline rush coursing through her body was a little too much so she had to get used to it.

" Yeah. We would be dead meat if they caught us." Max and Sue waited on the rooftop until all the streets were clear of the ragging gang members. "The coast is clear. Let's head back home and discuss about this thing tomorrow." Max said as he shook the briefcase, trying to at least hear what it was. Sue nodded in agreement and they returned to their homes. Max arrived at his apartment and quickly run to his room. His mother hadn't returned from her shift yet so he was in no trouble for showing up late.

" Oh, men. I wonder what's in this briefcase." Max said as he shook it again. He pulled out the key from his pocket, and unlocked the briefcase but slowly hesitated to open it. " I wonder what's in here that made Miss Xin overprotective about it." He said. When he opened it, he saw another box but it was fiery red in color and much smaller. Max went to touch it but something happened. His head became very heavy and a fiery pain could be felt all over his body. He tried pulling his hand away from the box but it looked like it was fussing into his fingers. Max screamed terribly in pain and his whole body caught fire then as fast as the pain came, it all disappeared and he dropped to the floor. Before he passed out from extreme pain, a screen showed up in front of him and it read,

[Congratulations. You have received the Mutant System.]