Max really wasn't surprised with the quest notification popping up. With all the novels, manga, and manwha's he read, he expected it to show up.

[ Daily Quest: Survive. Sleeping in a cold environment takes away your body heat. Spend ten minutes under the sun daily to survive.]

[Quest is currently being performed. Reward, 10EXP. Failure=death.]

" Oh crap. No more sleeping in. Damn it system." Max hated the fact that he couldn't sleep in anymore but he was still glad that he could now have an excuse to exercise and go out more. If he got cold, he could end up dying but now that he could no longer sleep in and he thought more about it, he became very furious. " Aargh, curse this damn system. Now my weekends are gone. Why the hell did I open that briefcase."

[!WARNING! FRS ( Fire Rage Stage) is increasing.]

" What the hell is Fire Rage State?" Max complained.

[ Fire Rage State. If your FRS goes over 200, the transformation will begin. Each second of transformation will take 5 energy points. Solution: Don't blow a fuse.]

" Blow a fuse?" Max yelled.

FRS: 110

Max didn't want to see what would happen if he transformed so he took in a deep breath and walked to school. On average, Max would reach school a little exhausted from walking but for some reason, he felt very energetic. " Looks like this thing will have some serious changes to my life now. I just hope it doesn't get too much." As he was still in thought, he hear a *ding* sound followed by the red dot at the bottom corner of his eye.

" What now?" Max opened the system and saw a notification that read:

[ Daily Quest complete. 10EXP granted.]

[EXP 10/20]


[New Quest available: You've stolen a precious item from a dangerous gang. Survive the week and you'll live. Reward???]

" Survive!" Max said in a worried tone. He knew stealing the briefcase was a bad idea, even though he liked it, but he never knew it had a powerful system in it, and now, here he was with a quest telling him to survive the week. Just as he was in his thoughts, he felt a palm hit his back. Max, startled like a mouse, quickly jumped in fright only to see Sue confused at his sudden action.

" What's the matter with you? You look like you saw a mutant or something." Max didn't reply or do anything. He just stood there with a sweaty face. " Yo Max, are you okay?"

" Ye...yeah. I'm fine. Everything's great." He lied terribly and it showed. Sue obviously knew Max was lying. The abnormal amount of sweat running down his body was a clear indication. " This bum's hiding something from me." She thought to herself.

" Max, did you open that briefcase?" Sue was now too close to Max's face. He could feel her breath on his face as she stared dead into his red eyes.

" Um, oh look. A black sedan. I wonder who it is." Max intentionally changed the subject to the same sedan that dropped Miss Xin yesterday. The sedan stopped in front of the school gate and an angry Miss Xin got out and slammed the door. Her hair was a slight mess and she had her right forearm bandaged. She looked at Max and Xin for a second before heading to the schoolyard.

" Haha. Someone's in a bad mood today" Max joked as he had already gone ahead of Sue. She followed behind him, noticing how his eyes were always darting around the area. There was another factor Sue noticed. For some reason, the gang members who always stayed by the warehouse were spread out everywhere. Some had batons while others had knives. Whenever an innocent civilian looked at them they would snarl at them like mad dogs. " Max, what did you do with that package that's making you so nervous."

As usual, Max and Sue waited by the school gate for CJ's car to arrive. A few minutes later, a white sedan showed up. It was a Brolls Broyce phoenix with golden rims and tainted windows. As usual, CJ, Max, and Sue shared their weird greetings and headed to their classrooms. When they got into their classroom, Miss Xin was currently on phone arguing with someone bitterly.

" Listen I want everyone looking for that package thief. The camera's recorded two people leaving the area. Find them but do not hurt any civilian, got it?" The person on the other line replied and she hung up. Once again she stared at Max and Sue but this time, she glared at Max longer than Sue.

" Hello, Max and Sue. Lovely day isn't it?" She greeted without taking her eyes off Max.

" Sure is Miss...Miss Xin. How are you doing today?" Max nervously asked. Miss Xin didn't reply. She instead went to her desk and started getting things ready for the day.

" Damn Max. I think Miss Xin has a thing for you huh." CJ teased as he nudged his friend on the ribs. Max walked to his desk and sat there, avoiding eye contact with Miss Xin. A few minutes later, more students entered the classroom and school officially started. After geometry lessons, Miss Xin left the school building in the same black sedan that was waiting for her. Max could finally relax and just as he did, he received a notification:

[ Your safe for now. Make sure to keep your cool and you won't get spotted.]

" Thanks a lot, system." Max closed the tab angrily and continued with his lessons. As the day was slowly progressing, the sound of multiple cars could be heard from a distance. The teachers, students, and workers in different shops came out to see what or where the noise was coming from. To their surprise, the notorious gang members from Monday came rushing down the street until they reached the school area.

 The bikes and cars came to a stop and Pharaoh came out of his huge SUV except he wasn't alone. There was a female accomplice with him who had a black, Japanese demon mask covering her face. She was a few heads shorter than Pharaoh but just like him, she also had four arms. Her body was clothed with a black jumpsuit with a logo of a silhouette with four arms. Pharaoh helped her out of the car and bowed slightly before her. She looked at everyone with her beady eyes peeping through the mask and said, " Citizens of Raid town. We came to you in peace, only asking you to listen to us and we said that we would never touch you but one of you has decided to repay our kindness by stealing a package from us. Therefore, from now on, every business is going to start paying us for protection or else."

Pharaoh stepped in front and grabbed a boulder from his car. He held it with his four arms and crushed it easily, signifying that whoever didn't comply would face the same fate.

" It's time things changed in this area."

Good day readers. Please support my newest novel, Blood Mutant System, with power stones. It's my entry submission for the fantasy contest. Thank you.