Max had let Harvey and Sue handle the remaining five beasts while he went for Pharaoh. He was currently at a safe distance away from the mutant, not wanting to risk anything. Max stood there dramatically, waiting for Pharaoh to make his move.

" What are you standing there for, fireman. Make a move, or are you too afraid to go against a real mutant?" Pharaoh taunted.

*Max, whatever you do, don't engage Pharaoh. I repeat, don't engage Pharaoh.* Phoenix said in the safety of the warehouse. Max was very upset that Phoenix didn't trust him but then he started to realise why. Pharaoh started laughing maniacally as he tore his shirt off. He started granting heavily and Max could see the mutants body become larger. *Ding*

[Quest complete. Mild-dead mutants killed 50/50]

[Rewards will be given after you escape from the mutant in front of you.]

Pharaoh, who was now standing at full height, was three times taller than Max and four times his size. He cracked the knuckles of each of his hands and then bashed them heavily on the ground.

" Come one fireman, lets rumble." He said.

" Sorry, but I have other things to do. Don't worry, your ass whooping will come. Now's not the time." Max replied with his deepened voice.

[Fire walk activated]

ENERGY 39/50

Max turned towards the direction of the warehouse and started running. Pharaoh, who wasn't going to let the masked fireman get away, followed suit. He bashed all four of his arms on the ground, thrusting him high in the air. He was about to crash land into the masked fireman when suddenly, he zoomed off in a flash.

" What the... Fire powers and speed!!Impossible." Pharaoh thought. Max was currently moving ten times faster than an athlete but to a strong mutant like Pharaoh, he was barely dashing. Pharaoh desperately followed Max, trying to grab him every chance he got but the mutant was too agile for the large mutant.

"Aaarhhh fine, if you can out run me, lets see if your friends will." Pharaoh bashed his arms again, thrusting his body even higher in the air, sending him in Sue's direction. Pharaoh was about to crash into Sue again and for a quick second, she saw her life flash before her eyes. She lifted her arms and shielded her body, knowing that she couldn't out run a mutant but out of no where, she heard a loud crashing sound followed by a loud scream saying NO. When she opened her eyes, she felt her body being lifted by the masked fireman.

"Took you long enough." She teased.

" I couldn't leave my friends behind." Pharaoh once again bashed his hands into the ground but this time, he wasn't heading for Max and Sue but rather, CJ and Rin.

" You can't be everywhere at once fireman."

" But I can beat you there." Harvey stretched out his arms and latched onto the building that CJ and Rin were. He then grabbed them and jumped off the building, right before Pharaoh came crashing through it again. Harvey and Max ran back to the warehouse with the others, making a narrow escape from the enraged four armed mutant. Pharaoh climbed out from the wrecked roof top and looked for the masked vigilante's. All he saw was a street with a few craters and dead crazed beasts. Some were still intact while others were missing their heads and a few of them were burnt.

" Daaaaaaaaammmn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt."


Max and Harvey had made it to their warehouse but they went through the back door as Phoenix had earlier instructed. When they got there, Phoenix was busy jumping up and down with extreme happiness. The others couldn't tell what happened to him, so they just thought it was a rich person thing.

" Uh, Phoenix, everything okay?" Max asked as he removed his mask.

" Okay, OKAY!! Look at what they're saying about this stunt guys." Phoenix showed them a video that had just been posted all over the internet.

*This just in, a small town just outside the edges of the city had been attacked by a new species of mutants. According to locals of the small town, around fifty mutants stormed the town. Luckily, a group of four masked vigilante's came and handled the situation. Here's a video recording from one of the locals.*

A video showing Max and his friends played out. The angle at which it was recorded showed Max using his fire powers to take out the crazed beasts. The video recording ended right before Max went to deal with Pharaoh, who wasn't in any shot.

*The people of Raid Town were saved by the group whose name is unknown but the police and Mutant Protection Force are trying their best to find out who was behind this.*

"Guys, this is good publicity for our gang. The more people see this, the higher the chances of this town accepting us."

Max and his friends were quiet for a minute before Max said, " This may sound good for us but I wonder what will happen if Pharaoh or any other gangs find out who we are. What if they see us as a threat and try to eliminate us first, ask questions later."

" Listen Max," Phoenix interrupted."You have every right to be cautious. What you said was right but we should take this chance by the horns and ride it all the way out. If any other gangs try to mess with us, we'll be too strong by then but for now, we should focus on growing our image. You, Max, should focus more on growing stronger. Your friends and I will handle the business."

With that said, Max and his friends took off their jackets and masks and hid them in a secure location. When they entered the warehouse's main room, they were too shocked to believe their eyes. The warehouse was full of people and most of them were at the bar. A few were at the lounge corner but the one thing all of the people were doing was looking at their phones. For those without phones, large flat screen TV's were mounted on the four corners of the warehouse. Everyone was watching the most trending thing that was currently in, the masked fireman. It hadn't been five hours yet, but already there were memes, jokes, scoops, interviews, blogger reviews and all sorts of things.

" Damn, how did this place get so packed?" CJ asked.

" As you guys left to handle the chaos, I took it as an opportunity to open this place up. I just told people that they could hideout in here and before I knew, this place was open for business." Phoenix said as he went to help out at the bar.

" Damn Max, you really hit the jackpot with this guy," Sue said, "But can he be trusted this much?"