Phoenix, CJ, Sue and Rin were watching a spectacular event right in front of them. Man and the blind man were going toe-to-toe with each other. The short, blind man was surprisingly fast, given his disability. The only advantage Max had over him was his height but even with his new body, he wasn't causing as much damage as he hoped. The blind man kept landing hits after hits on Max's lower abdomen. The only reason Max didn't pass out was because of his reinforced transformation.

" What's the matter. Can't hit me because I'm blind?" He continued to throw attacks as Max dodged and deflected. The man was beginning to tire and since most of his hits weren't landing, he decided on a new tactic.

" Since your not fighting, I propose a new style to this game." The short man slammed his left on the ground and thrust himself into the air. He headed straight for the others and this time, his body became even wider. He hit Phoenix, CJ, Sue and Rin all at once with one hit, making them take serious injury.

" Guys, noooooo."

FRS 120...180...240...250

Max's mind was filled with intense rage. His vision was turning red and his blood was boiling. The blind man couldn't see Max's current state but he felt a dangerous aura fill the room. Meanwhile, Max's body was going haywire. His hands started turning catching fire but instead of it surrounding the arm, it was inside his flesh. His entire body turned into a fiery red color but none of his clothes were burnt. All the fire was now inside of his body, making him look like a red lava lamp.

"Grrrrr. You'll pay for this. YOU'LL PAAAAAYYYY."







Max's lifted his legs and ran to the blind man at speed that was almost as fast as the speed of light. The blind man tried to dodge Max's coming attack but the teen was too fast. Max grabbed the blind man by his shoulders and lifted him off the ground. The heat from his hands was burning the flesh off of the blind mutant.

" You listen here. I'm taking those children and there's nothing you or anyone else is going to do about it. If you dare to come for me or my friends, I'll do more than burn your arms." Max dropped the mutant down and went to attend to his friends. Unfortunately when he got to them, his head started to throb. His vision was slowly returning to its normal form and his body went back to normal. His heart was beating at an incredible rate and his legs became wobbly .

" What's me." Max's eyes closed and he fell into Sue and CJ's arms. His friends had recovered right after he was in his fire rage state.

" D you think he's...dead?" Phoenix asked.

" No," Sue replied. " But his heart is beating too fast. We better get him back. He needs to rest." The teens and Phoenix left the blind man rolling around in pain. Phoenix put Max in the limousine while CJ, Rin and Sue led the children to the buses.

" What are we going to do, non of us know how to drive." CJ said. Phoenix made a few phone calls and a helicopter came towards them. Eight men, needed to drive the eight buses, offered to help Phoenix drive the children back to Raid town. Phoenix ordered the men to drive to his mansion while he, CJ,Sue,Rin and Max were flown back.

" C'mon Max. Wake up buddy." CJ cried. The rest of the teens kept silence as they flew back to their homes. After an hour of flying, they were dropped off at their warehouse club. The sight of a helicopter hovering over a warehouse brought a lot of unwanted attention so the group had to sneak through the back. CJ placed his friends body on the lounge couches and covered him with a table cloth.

" You guys watch over Max, I'll handle the mutant children." Phoenix left the teens in the warehouse and went to his mansion. Around five in the evening, the buses had arrived with ten children in each bus. Phoenix's house had more than enough rooms so he spent a couple of hours getting them settled. Two hours passed and everything was settled. The children had rooms to stay in, a few were selected to be in charge and Phoenix was able to return to the warehouse.

The sun was starting to set and the town's night life was kicking in. Phoenix decided to take a gentle walk to warehouse. On his way there, he saw women getting ready to go out, teens sneaking out and then getting caught and tired workers returning home. Some street vendors came out and started roasting synthetic meats and treats.

" Hmm, I wonder what this area would be like if we took over. Perhaps Max will be a better leader than the others." Phoenix enjoyed his evening stroll more and more. His rich, busy life never allowed him to see such so when he got the chance, he really enjoyed it. After an hour of walking, Phoenix arrived at the warehouse. He found Max sitting on the couch, surrounded by his friends.

" Whoa, looks like fire boy's finally up. How you doing sun shine." He teased. Max elaborated to his friends what happened to him, starting from the fire rage state all the way to his wobbly feet.

" Before my body turned into...whatever it did, my system showed me something. It's called a fire rage state, FRS for short. When my body transformed, my stats were over the roof. They showed no numbers, nor details, no nothing. It looked like I was...invincible."

" What do you mean by...system?" Phoenix asked.

" Don't you know. Max's powers are based off of a system." CJ replied.

" Oh no. This is bad. Do you know who's looking for that system you have?"