The day came to an end and all the students returned o their respective homes. CJ, who was now a fire mutant, used his skill of fire walk to return home, leaving Harvey to only pick KC up. Sue also returned to her home in hopes of spending time with her parents. She felt like she hadn't seen them in a while ever since the Four-Armed Gang showed up. Max didn't return home immediately, however, he and Rin ran to Phoenix's mansion. Max only wanted to learn a couple of things from Moka. To him, it seemed like the girl was holding back all that she knew.

When they got there, Max and Rin saw Phoenix training with Chelsea. The second Chelsea saw the fireman, and how bulged he was now, she shrieked slightly and teleported away. " What's her problem?" Rin asked.

" I think someone likes the fireman," Phoenix replied in a melodious tone.

"No, I don't." Chelsea teleported back and said but when she looked at Max again, she couldn't help but...stare. The boy she saw last week was much smaller and slightly less attractive than this one. Max could feel her eyes staring at him so he quickly moved into the house and looked for the girl he came here for.

Moka was currently in her room when she got the news that the fireman was looking for him. " Whats app Max. I was told that you were looking for me?"

" I feel like your hiding more than your telling me about this fire mutant stuff, Moka. What's really going on?" Max asked. Moka rolled her eyes and started walking away from Max. Max quickly placed his hand on her shoulder but Moka caught it and tried flipping Max over her back.

" Do you think you strong enough to flip me?" Max cockily asked. Moka kicked Max in the gut, making him let go of her. Max, who had had some special training of his own, ran, slid under Moka's legs, and pinned her on the ground.

"Tell me all that you know about fire mutants."

" Let...go of me." Moka's mouth started glowing and soon, blue flames came out, nearly burning Max's face. "Ahah, you still have more skills your hiding." Moka activated her firearms, which burnt Max, forcing him to let go of her.

Moka then got up and ran for the door using her fire walk. Max soon followed her and now, the two teenage fire mutants were in the backyard where the other mutants were. " Dude, what's your problem. Why are you attacking me all of a sudden?"

" I'm not attacking you," Max responded. " All I want to know is everything you know about fire mutants. I wanna get stronger too."

" Oh yeah," Moka once again activated her firearms but this time, her blue flames covered her entire arm. It didn't stop there. The flames surrounded her entire body, making her look like she was on fire.

" This girl is on fire." Phoenix sang to himself, making Chelsea roll her eyes.

" This is an old and easy technique that all fire mutants must know. It's called a flame armor suit." Moka's fire did surround her body, head to toe, leaving only room for her eyes. She then ran straight for Max and attempted to punch him, although he easily dodged.

[ Firearms activated.]

Max attempted the same trick but Moka's attacks weren't allowing him to. As a means of self-defense, Max turned his flames into a scythe and dramatically held it behind his back. He then raised his other and signaled for Moka to attack him.

" Your funeral." Moka lept in the air and attempted to land her foot on Max's face but the boy used his scythe's blade and caught Moka's foot. He then swung it towards the ground, making Moka fall.

[ Pyrokinesis activated.]

Energy 147/150

Two fireballs were hovering over Max's head as he stood over Moka. Moka did a break dance move and swung her legs, tackling Max. " Your no match for me, fireman."

" Then how come I beat you the first time we met." Max taunted. Moka growled and also made a fire weapon but hers were two short swords. She jumped and thrust them at Max who just kept dodging them. Max held her arms but the fire burnt his palms.

Energy 145/150

Max used the two fireballs he summoned earlier and made two long, thick ropes. He then controlled them to hold Moka back while he regained his composure. With the ropes still holding his opponent, Max activated his firearms and delivered a series of punches to Moka's midsection but he made sure to hold back so that he didn't kill the girl.

" Your punches are too weak." Moka's suit's flames engulfed Max's fire ropes and now, they were under her control. " This is another skill I call the flame raid. It allows me to take over any other mutant's flames. It's what I used today when you were all like, I'LL BURN THIS TOWN DOWN." She mocked.

Now that Max lost his two fireballs and Moka had them with her fire suit, he decided to go all out, holding nothing back. *Ding*

[You still have four stat points.]

Max ignored the system, closed his eyes, and instead focused his fire on his arms.

[Pyrokinesis activated.]

Energy 142/150

Just like Moka, Max's flames started surrounding his body. Given the stats he had, his flame suit was much thicker than Moka's, Moka was surprised to see how the fireman was learning very fast so she took the opportunity while he was still focusing his energy. She threw the two fireballs at Max and waited to see what was going to happen but what happened next was something she never expected to see. Her fireballs stopped right at Max's face and their blue color changed to red. Max opened his eyes and smiled eerily at Moka. He was very pleased that he learned those two skills in one go.


[New skills unlocked.]

[FLame Armor. Description: Use firepower to make a suit of protection that not even your enemies can touch. Skill takes 5 energy points every minute.]

[Flame Raid. Description: Take control over an enemy's fire. Skill takes 5 energy points and only works on other fire mutants.]

Energy 132/150

" I have plenty of energy to spare."


Somewhere in some apartment in Raid Town, a certain gentleman was making a phone call to someone and it seemed urgent. Damion was very excited to tell Bruce about his discovery. The news was filling him with too much excitement but he had to keep his composure. Bruce finally picked up the phone and Damion immediately said, " Sir, I've got great news."

* Me too, Damion.* Bruce interrupted. * First go one with yours.*

" I've discovered who the fireman is. The person who's posing as a threat to you is merely a teenage high-school freshman by the name of Max." Damion waited for a response but there was nothing for a whole minute.

" Bruce, are you there?"

*Yeah, sorry. I was... overjoyed by the news but listen to me, Damion. I want you out of that town by Friday morning. Things are not going to be pretty if you stick around for too long.*

" What are you talking about sir? You're not planning on attacking the town, are you?" Once again, there was no response from the other end and Damion was becoming worried. "What is this teddy man up to now?"


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