The underground settlement that used to house the Raiders was being cleared out in the morning. Mothers and fathers were saying their goodbyes to their children while couples were crying and spending the last minutes they had together. Miss Lin and the hazel-eyed girl were also sharing their last moments together before they each went their separate ways. The two had gotten a mother-daughter bond over the year and they became almost inseparable.

  " Will I see you again, mommy?" She asked with innocent eyes full of tears.

  " Yes, you will my girl," Miss Lin teared. " I'll be back with your brother soon, okay?"

  " Okay." Miss Lin wiped away the girl's tears and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She then put her on her shoulders and went to give everyone her final words. " Okay everyone, now that we've shared our goodbyes, it's time for us to head out. Watch over each other, be careful and stay safe. We shall all meet again."