"Watch out, behind you. CLOSE THE GATES, NOW!" AJ quickly turned his head to see what was making the guards so scared. A huge cloud of dust was coming for them at an incredible speed, and the people began to panic. "Please, let these people get in. We'll handle whatever those creatures are." AJ pleaded and the guards let everyone in. Among the people, AJ was leading were his wife and daughter. KC looked at her father one more time as the gates shut. She had no idea what was heading towards them and she feared that her dad might get killed. " Don't die, dad. Please."

  A few guards from inside came out from the wall to assist AJ and his mutants fight whatever was running toward them. The dust finally settled and two, horrifying creatures dramatically walked from it. AJ and the other mutants and guards gasped for a moment when they finally saw what the cause of the dust cloud was.