[Fire walk activated]

  Knowing where his mother could be, Max gathered all the energy he had and ran out of the Scarred X sect. How did he get out of the large gate, no one knew but he still managed to get out.


  Max's energy was running low after his crazy mutated fire venture but he didn't care. His mother was nearby and he was going to find her. After five minutes of running, he saw people walking in a distance. "MOM!" He increased his pace and moved faster as he got closer.


  " Miss Lin, where exactly is this Cold Flame sect? Do you have any idea where it is exactly?"

  " No," She wearily replied, " But I've heard rumors that a fight between fire people and general dead mutants took place over here."

  " That's it? We're heading to an unknown location based on a rumor. Come on Miss Lin. This is preposterous."