" What is that thing?" Bruce, who was in his mind space, saw a figure holding onto something as it moved its body. " I'm not liking this freaky shii..." Bruce tried transforming his body into his bear mutant form but nothing happened. " What the fu..." The figure in front of him turned its head slowly, revealing an evil, bone-chilling smile. It then let go of the ball, ran towards Bruce, and tied him up with the same vines that were in his mind space. As he was down, he was able to make a clear image of what it looked like. It shape alone was horrifying to the human eye. It was as large as Bruce, having narly claws, a bear-shaped head but a human body, and four eyes on its head, two for a bear and two for a human.

  " What the... what the hell are you?" He asked as it slowly covered his mouth.