It was high noon and the sun was shining fiercely. Slider was slithering under the hot sun. Her heart was racing and her body was aching due to the pain and sadness she felt. She didn't understand why she cried over Slither's death but it still hurt her. " I knew he was going to die but...why did I cry when I saw him get killed in front of me?" She asked herself. The reality was, that she really didn't want Slither to die. The most she wanted to see happen to him was him getting badly hurt by either Max or Miss Lin but she didn't expect him to die so soon. " I told him to stay close to me. Why didn't he listen? No matter. There's nothing I can do now. All I have to this." She looked at the metallic baseball bat and picture she took from Lin's Groceries.

  " I hope Lin won't get mad and kill me. But...does she even know who killed her husband?" She wondered for a long time. " I'll have to tell her when I see her."
