"What's the matter chocolate girl," Paul said as he walked towards Chelsea. " Afraid we'll take your blood again?" He started laughing manically. Chelsea's eyes dilated as her heart began to bear faster.

' I- I'm not ready. I'm not yet ready to fight them. I'm not strong enough. I..." 

"Chelsea, calm down." Miss Lin said as she could read the panic all over the girl's face. "We'll handle this. Get yourself together girl."

Paul came running with full force with his hand held out, ready to touch Chelsea. Tyron got in the way and Paul's hand landed on his body but the other was wearing his dead armor. "You made a mistake letting me get a hold of you."

Tyron's body grew larger ad fur and scales replaced his skin. His muscles bulged as he grabbed Paul's hand. With great force, he bashed the boy's body on the hard tarmac, leaving body-sized potholes. Paul tried to use his other hand to touch Tyron but the other wasn't giving him much of a chance.