'You can do this, Max. Today's the day we take this city and change the course of this world.' Max stood in his room, dressed in his flaming red dead armor with his dead sword by his side.

  Max, who had never used his sword before, found it fit to carry it in battle. Since he was slightly fair with his fire weapons and he had the fire bond skill, he figured it would be easy to use it.

  As he tried to motivate himself and get his head in the game, he'd get quick flash images of dark Max laughing as he tore at his chest.

  *Knock* *Knock*

"Hey, Max. They're ready for you. You gotta give your motivational speech. It'll help both you and the others." Phoenix said from the other side. Max took a deep breath and headed to the others with Phoenix. Phoenix had his dead armor painted jet black, like his hair. He too had a sword but just for fun, he went with his arm swords too.