"What's happened to him?"

"Does the fireman possess more than one mutant form?"

"Will he be okay?" 

The squad B members grouped around Moka and Phoenix as they bombarded Phoenix with many questions. Phoenix had his sword in front of him as he signaled for the squad members to be quiet.

"We've got a lot of deaf mutants heading for us," He said. "This isn't going to be an easy fight."

"And we must do it before squads C and D get here. They won't be able to handle them all." The cheetah-ish mutant spoke as he drew out his claws. 

The dead mutants got closer to them, forcing everyone to put their backs next to each other as they waited for the right time to strike.

".... NOW!!!" Phoenix, along with his fire-bonded flaming sword, sent out fire slashes with each slice. The power of the dead armor and sword made his flames cut through flesh easily and cause small explosions that would destroy muscles in seconds.