'You got this, Max. You can do this. I got this.' Max reassured himself before leading everyone from the canyon to the city. Before he left, he checked his system one more time if it had anything to offer him in the fight.

[Welcome to the Skill Shop]

[Your following skills are:]

[Atomic fireball: Unleash the power of the sun on your enemies. This skill lets you release a short but deadly burst of energy so strong that if used wisely, can destroy a whole metropolis. However, this takes a huge toll on the user's energy and if they're too weak, it can kill even kill them.]

[Lesser Atomic fireball: This skill works on a much smaller scale but still holds a great amount of energy. Depends on how the user wishes to take it.]

Max spent a few minutes reading more skills but decided he'd spend his last skill shop points on both atomic fireball skills since they were the only ones that could deal extensive damage.

