"ROAR!!!" The dead beast let out a mighty, ear-piercing roar. It was so loud and acute that any person's eardrums would burst and cause everything else in their head to bleed out. Its crystal glowed dimly as energy coursed through its bulging veins. The beast's claws grew longer and dug deeper into the earth with each step it took each step.

  The creature ran through the empty buildings of Raid City speedily. Its large size enabled it to bash through the buildings, causing destruction and tearing down buildings. In a few short minutes, it already made its way past Raid City and run through the edges, making its way to Raid Town.

  Like mad instincts, it sniffed its way to where the Cold Flame Gang warehouse. The building still stood tall but was covered in dust and cobwebs. The beast sniffed the entire building and then lifted its snout up in the air. *GROWL* The beast quickly stood on its large feet and clawed at the building.