(Deep inhale) 

 Max took a deep breath and found himself in a dark environment. The whole place was a black soiled, empty, plain with dark roots stretching all over. 

 The sky was filled with black clouds, forecasting dark shadows. The only source of light was a dimly lit moon. For some reason, Max felt and knew that this wasn't Earth.

 For one reason, there were no other signs of life, the air seemed thick and his whole body felt sick. The second reason, although there was no one he could see, he could feel the presence of something else, or other people.

 " I know you're there. Show yourselves." He angrily muttered. A dark purple circle appeared in front of h and out came dark Max, smiling with his eery smile.

Max angrily glared at him with his fists folded so tight that his finger tips dug into his skin. The boy was seething with rage as he watched his mutated counterpart laugh at him.