" What do you mean you have the fireman?" Bloodshed angrily asked. " I do not see him with you. Did you kill him?"

  The dead beast glared at Bloodshed in disgust before speaking to Daeva saying, " I assure you. The fireman is in my hands. Trust me."

" Oh please," The Ultimate stood up from its throne. " This is just a rouge you've made up. How can you, a mere dead mutant, capture one of the biggest threats to our hindrance?" The two beasts stared eye to eye at each other, huffing and grunting in rage.

  "I managed to do what you couldn't. What have you done other than sending multiple forces to be slaughtered by him?" The Ultimate grabbed the dead beast by its neck and flipped it over its boy. While still on the ground, the Ultimate landed a dropkick on the beast's midsection until it heard a cracking sound.