Regular and general dead mutants circled and gnarled at CJ and Sue as they put out the flames they both made. The two held each other tightly, fearing that this could be the last day of their lives. CJ squeezed Sue's arm tightly and spoke to her without taking his eyes off the beasts.

"These obviously aren't the same dead mutants we'd easily kill, Sue but I gotta get you out of here."

" Any suggestions?" She asked with pure fear clearly showing through the way she spoke. CJ stood in front of CJ with his arms lit. "Your flames are obviously hotter than mine, so here's the thing. I'm going to create a minor distraction and you're..."

"F*ck it. I don't have time for this." Sue said as he slowly rose her hands up with a fireball in the middle. The ball began to spin into a little tornado that increased in size with each passing second. The dead mutants slowly crawled back, not knowing that anything drastic could happen at any second.