"Alas. My greatest work of art is complete." Damion wiped the sweat off his forehead as he placed down the tools he used to make Max's devil-dead armor set. He and Miv had spent hours working on it nonstop, making it look both stylish and functional.

The armor set was designed to resemble medieval dragon armor sets like in the olden days. The chest plate was a dark charcoal gray with a dragonhead carved on the front. Two red crystals, shaped like eyes, were placed in the dragon curve to make it look more ferocious. The sides had glowing trims that pulsated with each passing second.

Since Raiko's bones were not as thick and large as those of demon-dead mutants, Damion had to use some demon dead bones to make the dead armor set bigger. He didn't just end with a chest plate but also added a dead katana sword and gauntlets. The gauntlets were tipped with pointed crystals to give them that deadly look.