"Eva, listen," Fisk pleaded. " I know you're one who doesn't back down from a fight but this is the freaking fireman we're talking about. Look at him. You do not stand a chance against him."

" Save your petty pleads, bro!!" She replied while tightening her grip on her crystal swords. " No more words,got it?" She said as she started straight for Max.

He, on the other hand, was in the middle of grasping what had just happened to him but as soon as he noticed the armored woman running toward him, he smirked checkily and said to himself, ' How I'd love to go all out with this new armor. Too bad I could end up killing her.'

[Quest Available.]

[Display a fair fight and put your female contender down gently]

[Rewards: 100EXP]

'100EXP? Well that's disappointing. Might as well have some fun with her.'

[Fire walk activated]