Outside the high tower in the newly rebuilt city, Fisk had gathered the prominent leaders outside on a large, white, raised platform where people would watch others either spar or fight. Before them, all were mechanical humanoids with the exact physique they had.

Miss Lin, AJ, Kunlo, Phoenix, Damion, Eva, and Mr. Fisk stared at their robotic counterparts with amazement, slight feelings of disgust, and anticipation. "You all remember when I had you scanned and tested. These machines have been synced with all of you so they will literally copy every single move that you do."

"Apart from turning into pure flames, the machines for the fire mutants possess fire skills so whatever you do, they'll copy and do it two times better than you."

"I dunno man," Phoenix sighed. "Every robot fiction movie ever made shows how these things will eventually cause an uprising that'll take over the world. We've already got the dead mutants filling that position, why add robots?"