After the city was completed, Fisk had his laboratory and examination room fully upgraded so he could carry out further investigations and do more research on the Crystalians.

Right now, a certain often talked about but forgotten Crystalian had just awakened from his long coma. 

Ever since the beast roared, Chester had gone unconscious and didn't show any signs of him waking up. As a result, Fisk placed him on a white bed with sensors that monitored his body and vitals. He also hooked up a few cameras and scanners that would notify him Incase anything new happened but sadly, he didn't get anything for the past months.

"Wh...where am I?" Chester wondered as he got up from the white bed. He slowly looked around and studied the environment he was in. He discovered that he was inside a medium-sized room with glass walls.

On the outside of the walls were pieces of technology and equipment one would find inside a top-secret government base.