[Bonus chapter]CH210:TAINTED CRYSTAL.

CJ, Rin, Sue, and Moka all went to greet and converse with Fang while Miv, Benjamin, and Archer looked in confusion.

Fang, who was smiling from ear to ear, greeted the teens with a warm smile and a gentle tone in his voice. However, he noticed something different about each one of them before even making contact with them.

"Seems to me that Max turned all of you, correct?" He asked inquisitively.

"Errr...dooh," CJ sarcastically but playfully replied. "You were there, remember? Or were you?" They all went silent, trying to remember much about Fang.

"Don't fret, younglings," He said while flexing his arms. "If it's not too much trouble, would you please take me to Max and my father Caesar?"

"FATHER!!" The four mutants were beyond surprised after learning of this bewildering surprise. After Fang said those last words, they began to see the similarities between him and Caesar.