The real first time (R-18)

Akira, hearing the question, stepped back in shock and instantly went red. Reia looked up at him while fidgeting waiting for an answer. 

"I-I ummm… I d-do, but in here?" Akira's heart was beating out of his chest, unsure what to do or say as it was something he didn't expect. 

"W-well we could head back, but I don't want to disturb Kadi or have Lou ruin the moment." Reia was aware of the other people in the bunker and seeing as they are in a rather secluded place figured it would be better to do it here. 

"F-fair enough, but are you sure you want to do something like this?" Akira was afraid Reia was forcing herself or Lou had told her to do something. 

"I-I think so, I don't know what it is, but I want nothing more than to be close to you." Reia pushed her body up against Akira and the same hot feeling invaded her body again. 

Akira took a deep breath trying to keep calm as his mind was in chaos, thinking about how to go about things.