Rebel capture

Jayde and Echo both aimed their guns at the door awaiting the rebels to barge in. It was only a few hits away and they could climb into the room but it would be too risky. 

However, what Jayde and Echo had not expected was an essence flashbang to be thrown into the room. Ducking behind the couch so as to not get affected, they looked out towards the kitchen and more flashbangs were thrown in via the window.

Not having a choice, they attempted to go to the hallway, but when they went to turn the corner, an essence flashbang landed in front of them. 

A bright light engulfed the room, blinding both Jayde and Echo temporarily. The rebels bashed down the door finally allowing them to run in. 

"Drop your gun!" The rebels did not intend to kill as they needed to build up their forces, so when they encountered people they generally did not try to kill them.