Creating a device

After Aoi and Reia created a rough map with scrap pieces of paper they found, Aoi walked over to Echo who was patiently waiting.

"I assume you want a way to destroy the glisterite collar?" Echo could guess right away what Aoi wanted and had already started thinking about the parts he would need. 

"Mhm." Aoi nodded hoping it would be possible otherwise Tsubaki will always have a collar. It also didn't help that they would need to keep Lumi alive as glisterite had another function. 

It worked almost like a fingerprint scanner where it would only allow a certain essence to pass through it. But this made them a one-person use as there was no way to reverse the imprint and without the person alive, it meant the collar would stay forever locked.

The crystal itself is very rare, but ever since its discovery, a lot of other militaries and families had been hoarding them since it could be used to make unbreakable restraints.